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Medi-Cal Assistance | Senior Care Consultant in California
Free health coverage program

Medi-Cal Assistance

Get in touch now! Our team is eager to assist you with exploring and applying for Medi-Cal. If you have any questions about the application process or eligibility requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you.

FAQ About Medi-Cal:

What is Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal is a low-cost or free health coverage program for eligible California residents, regardless of their personal characteristics such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or veteran status.

What long-term care will Medi-Cal pay for?

Medi-Cal provides in-home support through IHSS and other programs, as well as long-term care in facilities. It may cover the cost of assisted living, skilled nursing facilities, or congregate living health facilities, depending on the county of residency.

Should I apply for Medi-Cal even if I already have coverage through Medicare and my supplementary/ advantage plan?

We strongly recommend that anyone eligible for Medi-Cal enroll in the program as it covers expenses not covered by supplement or advantage plans.

FAQ About How We Can Assist You:

What is the cost for us to assist you with applying for Medi-Cal?
Our service is complimentary for seniors aged 65 or above who don’t have a pending or denied Medi-Cal application. To become a client, simply call our office and complete a free intake process over the phone.
How can we assist you with the application for Medi-Cal?
  1. Assistance from Social Worker

    Our social worker can guide you through the application process and provide hands-on support for some parts of it.

  2. In-Office Appointments

    If phone support is insufficient, visit our office for a brief 15-20 minute appointment with a staff member.

  3. Community Clinic Referral

    If both phone and in-office assistance are unavailable, we will try to refer you to a nearby community clinic that offers application support.

Can you help me use my Medi-Cal after it is approved?

Once your Medi-Cal application is approved, we can assist you in exploring available services like IHSS and long-term care in skilled nursing facilities.

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