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Assisted Living/Board & Care | Long Beach, California
Live a better life with assisted living

What is assisted living?

Assisted living is a long-term care option that provides a combination of housing, support services, and health care as needed. It is intended for individuals who need help with daily activities such as meals, medication management, bathing, dressing, and transportation. Residents may have memory disorders or physical challenges and are assessed regularly to determine their individual needs.

Overview of Assisted Living

Assisted living is a residential alternative to nursing home care and is the fastest-growing long-term care option for seniors. There are over 31,000 assisted living communities in the US serving nearly one million seniors. There are various settings to choose from, including high-rise buildings, Victorian mansions, and multi-acre campuses.

Most residents are 85 or older, female, and require assistance with three or more activities of daily living. The median stay in assisted living is 22 months.

Assisted Living Philosophy

The goal of assisted living is to provide personalized, resident-centered care to meet individual needs and preferences. Residents are treated with dignity, given privacy, and encouraged to maintain independence and choice. Family members and friends are also encouraged to participate in the community.

Services and Amenities

Assisted living communities offer more personal care services than independent living communities. They offer a less-expensive option for services available in skilled nursing. Amenities include meals, housekeeping, transportation, security, exercise and wellness programs, laundry, and social and recreational activities. Personal care includes staff availability, help with daily tasks, access to health and medical services, emergency call systems, medication management, and care for residents with cognitive impairments.

What is the Cost of Assisted Living

Assisted living costs vary with the residence, apartment size, and types of services needed. The basic rate may cover all services or there may be additional charges for special services. Most assisted living residences charge on a month-to-month lease arrangement, but a few require long-term arrangements. Assisted living is often less expensive than nursing home care in the same geographic area.

According to Genworth’s Cost of Case Survey 2021, the average cost of assisted living in California is $5250 month, However it can vary between $3175 to $5853 depend on the geographic area. Alzheimers residented care can be on average 20-30% mo. The average costs for Nursing Home Facility for Semi Private room is $9794 and $12167 for a private room.

While 86.2% of assisted living residents today pay for long-term care from their personal financial resources, 41 states offer “home and community-based waivers” that allow low-income residents to live in assisted living. In California many countries offer ths waiver including Riverside Country and San Bernardino. More seniors are purchasing long-term care insurance to help plan for and finance their long-term care needs.

Is Assisted Living Regulated?

Assisted living is regulated in all 50 states. State regulations generally address the mandatory services a senior living residence must provide. All settings offer 24-hour care and supervision for those who need assistance. Care is provided with dignity and respect.

Finding the Right Community

Before searching for senior living options, consider key questions such as preferences, cost, and ideal outcome. Follow a guide to find the right community that fits your needs and budget.

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